Wales is my happy place. It’s the land of dragons, castles, warrior princesses, fairies, magic, King Arthur & Merlin, kind and down-to-earth people, the amazing game of rugby, and some of the most stunning scenery you’re likely to come across. And the best part is…
Wales is Undiscovered!
Yep…the people who know about Wales don’t want you to find out. But, you can get to know magical & mysterious Wales through it’s:
- Welsh|English=Wenglish
- Incredibly friendly people
- Lively & welcoming pubs
- Music
- Traditions
- Culture
- Quirks & secrets
- Crazy good food (yes…it’s true.)
- Real ale & hand-crafted cider
- Mountainous railways
- Wildly beautiful wildness
- Grand houses
- Lush gardens
- And a coastal walking path that wraps around the entire country (all 870 miles of it!) (And, yes, Wales IS a country…NOT a part of England).
“We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.”
– Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
I want to share the beauty, magic, and mystery of Wales with you and, along the way, help you become a better traveler. A traveler that doesn’t just check off the places they’ve been to, but one that:
- slows down, takes notice, and savors your time in a place
- is open to creative inspiration and transformation through travel
- explores a place with intimacy and attempts to understand a place from a local’s point of view
- travels in a sustainable way
- recognizes that travel can help make the world a better place
“Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”
-Roald Dahl, The Minipins
I met a charming & proud Welshman in 2013 and married him. I decided I wanted a life less ordinary…one that involves location independence, travel, magic, and helping people discover an amazing little country on the far western side of Britain. Very, very sadly my sweet Welshman died of cancer in February 2020, but my love of Wales goes on…
Come and join our community of people who love Wales in particular and Celtic culture in general, who want to travel in a sustainable way, and want to be endlessly inspired.
We’re glad you’re here!
“A little magic can take you a long way.”
-Roald Dahl, James and the Giant Peach